Tokyo Olympics 2021 Redesign

BRand identity

Tokyo Olympics 2021 Redesigned Logo
Tokyo Olympics 2021 Pictographs

Scope of Project

Create a Tokyo brand identity for 2021

Design a set of pictograms representing a variety of summer games sports

Design a collector’s poster

Create two additional components that promotes the branding and design

Tokyo Olympics Poster
Tokyo Olympics 2021 Redesigned Medals and Pins

Project Summary

This project proved to be an exceptionally large task, especially with the goal to “inspire and engage with a global audience”. But it was one I wanted to take to try my hand at redesigning for the Olympics, and bringing my personal design style to it.

I did research to stay faithful to Japan and their cultural heritage, as well as to the Olympics of past years, to combine them into something that reflects Japan’s deep history with modern designs that can be appreciated by all.

Interested in working together? Contact me below.